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to quarrel with one's own shadow

  • 1 quarrel with one's own shadow

    выходить из себя, раздражаться по малейшему поводу

    Whether it's overwork I don't know, but the last three weeks his temper has been utterly unbearable! He'd quarrel with his own shadow, if he hadn't got anyone else to be angry with! (SPI) — В последние три недели он стал просто невыносим! Я не знаю почему. Может быть, переутомился. Он готов поссориться с собственной тенью, если больше не с кем.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > quarrel with one's own shadow

  • 2 shadow

    1. [ʹʃædəʋ] n

    the shadow of the house [of the tree] - тень от дома [от дерева]

    to cast /to throw, to project/ a shadow - а) отбрасывать тень; the trees cast long shadows - деревья отбрасывали длинные тени; б) бросать тень; to cast a shadow on smb. [on smb.'s good name] - бросать тень на кого-л. [на чьё-л. доброе имя]; в) омрачать; it cast a shadow on her happiness - это омрачило её счастье

    the earth's shadow sometimes falls on the moon - иногда тень от Земли падает на Луну

    2. 1) полумрак

    she was hard to see in the web of light and shadow - её было трудно различить в этом сплетении теней и света

    2) неизвестность

    to live in the shadow - оставаться в тени; жить в безвестности

    he was content to live in the shadow - его устраивало оставаться в тени /на заднем плане/

    3. обыкн. pl
    1) сумерки (тж. the shadows of evening)

    the rural street, now deep in shadow, was still - на деревенской улице, уже погрузившейся в темноту, было тихо

    2) мрак; уныние
    4. 1) неясное очертание

    he saw moving shadows of men in the garden - в саду он увидел движущиеся тени людей

    2) призрак

    the shadows of the past - тени /призраки/ прошлого

    to catch at shadows - гоняться за призраками, мечтать о несбыточном

    to grasp a shadow and let go a substance - в погоне за нереальным упустить реальное

    3) знак, предзнаменование

    coming events cast their shadows before - образн. грядущее видно издали

    those upon whom the shadow of death has already fallen - те, на кого уже упала смертная тень; обречённые люди

    the shadow of tragedy hung over their mansion - всё предвещало трагедию, грозящую их дому

    4) слабое подобие; тень (чего-л.)

    the shadow of a name - следы былой славы, призрачная слава

    she was just the shadow of a once pretty girl - от её красоты почти ничего не осталось

    to be worn /reduced/ to a shadow - быть измученным /истощённым/

    she worked herself to a shadow - она так много работала, что от неё одна тень осталась

    5. намёк, тень

    a shadow of annoyance [of a smile] - тень недовольства /раздражения/ [улыбки]

    it is true beyond the /without a/ shadow of doubt - в том, что это правда, нет ни малейшего сомнения

    the shadow of a shade - образн. нечто нереальное, несуществующее

    it has been shown beyond the shadow of a shade of doubt - это было доказано с точностью, не допускающей и тени сомнения

    6. 1) постоянный спутник, тень
    2) шпик

    I don't want your shadow to see me - я не хочу, чтобы шпик, который следит за тобой, увидел меня

    7. поля ( шляпы)
    8. pl жив. тени

    it was an exciting picture of wet shadows and sharp accents - это была интересная картина, в которой сочетались расплывающиеся тени и резкие мазки

    9. школ. жарг. новичок, порученный «старому» ученику, чтобы тот ввёл его в курс школьной жизни
    10. редк. сень; убежище; защита

    he did it under the shadow of his father's name - он совершил это, прикрываясь именем своего отца

    the village nestled in the shadows of the forest - деревня приютилась на краю леса /под сенью леса/

    to be afraid of one's (own) shadow - бояться собственной тени; быть трусливым, всего бояться

    to quarrel with one's own shadow - выходить из себя /раздражаться/ по малейшему поводу

    to fight with one's own shadow - вести бесплодную борьбу с воображаемым противником, сражаться с ветряными мельницами, донкихотствовать

    may your shadow never grow less! - желаю вам здравствовать долгие годы!, желаю вам здоровья и многих лет жизни!

    2. [ʹʃædəʋ] a
    1. (обыкн. Shadow) полит. теневой; не стоящий у власти; оппозиционный
    2. текст. с теневыми оттенками ( о ткани в полоску или клетку)

    shadow roll - валик из овечьей шкуры (надеваемый на голову скаковой лошади, чтобы лошадь не пугалась собственной тени)

    3. [ʹʃædəʋ] v
    1. 1) затенять; защищать, заслонять (от солнца, света)

    long curling lashes shadowed her eyes - длинные загнутые ресницы скрывали её глаза

    2) поэт. осенять
    2. 1) омрачать

    his childhood was shadowed by this affliction - его детство было омрачено этим несчастьем

    2) мрачнеть
    3. намечать; туманно излагать; изображать символически, аллегорически (обыкн. shadow forth, shadow out)

    the particulars of the story are artfully shadowed in the very beginning - основные моменты этой истории искусно намечены в самом начале

    in this figure the author shadowed forth the idea of love - в этом образе автор воплотил своё представление о любви

    4. предсказывать, предрекать, предвещать (тж. shadow forth, shadow out)

    this event seemed to shadow forth a new kind of trouble - это событие, казалось, предвещало новые неприятности

    to shadow forth /out/ future events - предвосхищать грядущие события

    5. следовать по пятам, тайно следить

    I knew that I was being shadowed - я знал, что за мной кто-то следит /установлена слежка/

    НБАРС > shadow

  • 3 shadow

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > shadow

  • 4 shadow

    ['ʃædəu] 1. noun
    1) ((a patch of) shade on the ground etc caused by an object blocking the light: We are in the shadow of that building.) senca
    2) ((in plural with the) darkness or partial darkness caused by lack of (direct) light: The child was afraid that wild animals were lurking in the shadows at the corner of his bedroom.) mrak
    3) (a dark patch or area: You look tired - there are shadows under your eyes.) kolobar
    4) (a very slight amount: There's not a shadow of doubt that he stole the money.) trohica
    2. verb
    1) (to hide or darken with shadow: A broad hat shadowed her face.) skriti
    2) (to follow closely, especially as a detective, spy etc: We shadowed him for a week.) zasledovati
    - shadowiness
    - worn to a shadow
    * * *
    I [šaedou]
    senca (določene oblike); plural mrak, tema; figuratively varstvo, zaščita; figuratively imitacija, kopija, posnemanje; figuratively prazen sijaj, odraz tuje slave; malenkost, trohica, sled; duh, fantom, prikazen; stalni spremljevalec, "senca"; zasledovalec, špijon, detektiv
    shadow boxing sport boksanje z namišljenim nasprotnikom (za trening)
    shadow cabinet figuratively kabinet, vlada v senci
    he is but a shadow of his former self — on je le še senca tega, kar je prej bil
    may your shadow never grow less figuratively vso srečo (veliko uspeha) ti želim!
    to quarrel with one's own shadow figuratively biti zelo razdražljiv
    to be reduced to a shadow — spremeniti se v kost in kožo, zelo shujšati, figuratively obstajati le po imenu
    to be worn to a shadow — zelo shujšati, postati pravi okostnjak
    II [šaedou]
    transitive verb
    zasenčiti, potemniti; archaic ščititi ( from pred), skri(va)ti; slediti (komu) kot senca
    to shadow forth (out) — nejasno napovedati, namigniti na
    he shadowed forth his plans — dal je samo obrise svojih načrtov, le nakazal je svoje načrte

    English-Slovenian dictionary > shadow

  • 5 shadow

    1. сущ.
    1) тень beyond a shadow of a doubtвыше всех сомнений to produce, throw a shadow ≈ отбрасывать или бросать тень to live in the shadow ≈ оставаться в тени to walk in smb.'s shadow ≈ находиться в тени чьей-л. фигуры (перен.) shadows fall ≈ тени падают a mere shadow of one's former self ≈ бледная тень прошлой личности
    2) перен. что-л. грустное, неприятное;
    депрессия, уныние The episode left an unfortunate shadow on him. ≈ Этот случай оставил печальный след в его душе. Syn: gloom
    1., unhappiness
    3) полумрак, тень
    4) а) прохлада, тень б) защита, сень в) уст., театр. навес над сценой ∙ Syn: shelter
    5) а) постоянный спутник б) разг. шпик, шпион (работник разведывательных служб, неотступно следующий за кем-л.) Syn: spy
    6) а) призрак Syn: phantom б) 'тень' (о слабом, больном, изможденном человеке, от которого 'осталась одна тень') He is a mere shadow of his former self. ≈ От него осталась одна тень.
    7) намек, тень ∙ shadow of a shadeнечто совершенно нереальное
    2. гл.
    1) а) уст. заслонять от света, затенять Syn: shade
    2. б) поэт. затенять, осенять
    2) отбрасывать, бросать тень (на что-л.) The features were no longer shadowed by the mass of hair. ≈ Черты лица более не закрывались волосами.
    3) а) стать грустным, унылым The ladies shadowed. ≈ Настроение дам упало. б) омрачать Syn: darken, sadden
    4) служить прообразом, прототипом Syn: symbolize, typify, prefigure
    5) а) следовать по пятам;
    тайно следить, шпионить a bear shadowed the man ≈ медведь неотступно шел за человеком Syn: follow б) быть чьей-л. тенью (чаще всего о политиках, работниках государственного аппарата и т.д.) He was at that time 'shadowing' education. ≈ В то время он был тенью руководителя по вопросам образования.
    6) излагать туманно или аллегорически (обыкн. shadow forth, shadow out)
    7) предвещать, предсказывать (тж. shadow forth) тень (от предметов) - the * of the house тень от дома - to cast /to throw, to project/ a * отбрасывать тень;
    бросать тень;
    омрачать - the trees cast long *s деревья отбрасывали длинные тени - to cast a * on smb. бросать тень на кого-л. - it cast a * on her happiness это омрачило ее счастье - the earth's * sometimes falls on the moon иногда тень от Земли падает на Луну полумрак - her face was in deep * ее лица не было видно в глубокой тени - she was hard to see in the web of light and * ее было трудно различить в этом сплетении теней и света неизвестность - to live in the * оставаться в тени;
    жить в безвестности - he was content to live in the * его устраивало оставаться в тени /на заднем плане/ обыкн. pl сумерки (тж. the *s of evening) - the *s lengthen сумерки сгущаются - the rural street, now deep in *, was still на деревенской улице, уже погрузившейся в темноту, было тихо мрак;
    уныние - to scatter the *s разогнать мрак неясное очертание - *s flitted among the trees между деревьями мелькали тени - he saw moving *s of men in the garden в саду он увидел движущиеся тени людей призрак - the * of death призрак смерти - the *s of the past тени /призраки/ прошлого - to catch at *s гоняться за призраками, мечтать о несбыточном - to grasp a * and let go a substance в погоне за нереальным упустить реальное знак, предзнаменование - a * of danger предвестник опасности - coming events cast their *s before( образное) грядущее видно издали - those upon whom the * of death has already fallen те, на кого уже упала смертная тень;
    обреченные люди - the * of tragedy hung over their mansion все предвещало трагедию, грозящую их дому слабое подобие;
    тень (чего-л.) - the * of a name следы былой славы, призрачная слава - to be a * of one's former self сильно измениться - she was just the * of a once pretty girl от ее красоты почти ничего не осталось - to be worn /reduced/ to a * быть измученным /истощенным/ - she worked herself to a * она так много работала, что от нее одна тень осталась намек, тень - a * of annoyance тень недовольства /раздражения/ - not a * of hope ни малейшей надежды - not a * of doubt ни тени сомнения - it is true beyond the /without a/ * of doubt в том, что это правда, нет ни малейшего сомнения - the * of a shade (образное) нечто нереальное, несуществующее - it has been shown beyond the * of a shade of doubt это было доказано с точностьЮ, не допускающей и тени сомнения постоянный спутник, тень - she is her sister's * она всюду ходит за своей сестрой - he followed her like a * он ходил за ней как тень шпик - I don't want your * to see me я не хочу, чтобы шпик, который следит за тобой, увидел меня поля( шляпы) pl тени - it was an exciting picture of wet *s and sharp accents это была интересная картина, в которой сочетались расплывающиеся тени и резкие мазки (школьное) (жаргон) новичок, порученный "старому" ученику, чтобы тот ввел его в курс школьной жизни (редкое) сень;
    защита - he did it under the * of his father's name он совершил это, прикрываясь именем своего отца - the village nestled in the *s of the forest деревня приютилась на краю леса /под сенью леса/ > to be afraid of one's (own) * бояться собственной тени;
    быть трусливым, всего бояться > to jump at *s бояться несуществующей опасности > to quarrel with one's own * выходить из себя /раздражаться/ по малейшему поводу > to fight with one's own * вести бесплодную борьбу с воображаемым противником, сражаться с ветряными мельницами, донкихотствовать > may your * never grow less! желаю вам здравствовать долгие годы!, желаю вам здоровья и многих лет жизни! (обыкн. S.) (политика) теневой;
    не стоящий у власти;
    оппозиционный - S. cabinet теневой кабинет - S. minister министр теневого кабинета (текстильное) с теневыми оттенками (о ткани в полоску или клетку) - * plaid разнооттеночная шотландка > * roll валик из овечьей шкуры (надеваемый на голову скаковой лошади, чтобы лошадь не пугалась собственной тени) затенять;
    защищать, заслонять( от солнца, света) - great trees *ed this spot большие деревья затеняли этот уголок - long curling lashes *ed her eyes длинные загнутые ресницы скрывали ее глаза осенять омрачать - his childhood was *ed by this affliction его детство было омрачено этим несчастьем мрачнеть - her blue eyes *ed with rage ее голубые глаза потемнели от гнева намечать;
    туманно излагать;
    изображать символически, аллегорически ( обыкн. * forth, * out) - the particulars of the story are artfully *ed in the very beginning основные моменты этой истории искусно намечены в самом начале - in this figure the author *ed forth the idea of love в этом образе автор воплотил свое предствление о любви предсказывать, предрекать, предвещать (тж. * forth, * out) - this event seemed to * forth a new kind of trouble это событие, казалось, предвещало новые неприятности - to * forth /out/ future events предвосхищать грядущие события следовать по пятам, тайно следить - I knew that I was being *ed я знал, что за мной кто-то следит /установлена слежка/ ~ тень;
    to cast a shadow отбрасывать или бросать тень;
    to be afraid of one's own shadow бояться собственной тени ~ тень;
    to cast a shadow отбрасывать или бросать тень;
    to be afraid of one's own shadow бояться собственной тени ~ призрак;
    to catch at shadows гоняться за призраками, мечтать о несбыточном;
    a shadow of death призрак смерти he is a mere ~ of his former self от него осталась одна тень ~ постоянный спутник;
    he is his mother's shadow он как тень ходит за матерью ~ тень, полумрак;
    her face was in deep shadow лицо ее скрывалось в глубокой тени;
    to sit in the shadow сидеть в полумраке, не зажигать огня to live in the ~ оставаться в тени;
    the shadows of evening ночные тени shadow излагать туманно или аллегорически (обыкн. shadow forth, shadow out) ~ омрачать ~ поэт. осенять, затенять ~ постоянный спутник;
    he is his mother's shadow он как тень ходит за матерью ~ предвещать, предсказывать (тж. shadow forth) ~ призрак;
    to catch at shadows гоняться за призраками, мечтать о несбыточном;
    a shadow of death призрак смерти ~ сень, защита ~ следовать по пятам;
    тайно следить ~ тень, намек;
    there is not a shadow of doubt нет ни малейшего сомнения ~ тень, полумрак;
    her face was in deep shadow лицо ее скрывалось в глубокой тени;
    to sit in the shadow сидеть в полумраке, не зажигать огня ~ тень;
    to cast a shadow отбрасывать или бросать тень;
    to be afraid of one's own shadow бояться собственной тени ~ вчт. тень ~ шпик;
    the shadow of a shade нечто совершенно нереальное ~ шпик;
    the shadow of a shade нечто совершенно нереальное ~ призрак;
    to catch at shadows гоняться за призраками, мечтать о несбыточном;
    a shadow of death призрак смерти to live in the ~ оставаться в тени;
    the shadows of evening ночные тени ~ тень, полумрак;
    her face was in deep shadow лицо ее скрывалось в глубокой тени;
    to sit in the shadow сидеть в полумраке, не зажигать огня

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > shadow

  • 6 प्रति _prati

    प्रति ind.
    1 As a prefix to verbs it means (a) towards, in the direction of; (b) back, in return, again; तष्ठेदानीं न मे जीवन् प्रतियास्यसि दुर्मते Rām.7.18.13; (c) in opposition to, against, counter; (d) upon, down upon; (see the several roots with this preposition).
    -2 As a prefix to nouns not directly derived from verbs it means (a) likeness, resemblance, equality; (b) opposite, of the opposite side; प्रतिबल Ve.3.5. 'the opposing force'; so प्रतिद्विपाः Mu.2.13; (c) rivalry; as in प्रतिचन्द्रः 'a rival moon'; प्रतिपुरुषः &c.
    -3 As a separable preposition (with acc.) it means (a) towards, in the direction of, to; तौ दम्पती स्वां प्रति राजधानीं प्रस्थापयामास वशी वसिष्ठः R.2.7;1. 75; प्रत्यनिलं विचेरु Ku.3.31; वृक्षं प्रति विद्योतते विद्युत् Sk.; (b) against, counter, in opposition to, opposite; तदा यायाद् रिपुं प्रति Ms.7.171; प्रदुदुवुस्तं प्रति राक्षसेन्द्रम् Rām.; ययावजः प्रत्यरिसैन्यमेव R.7.55; (c) in comparison with, on a par with, in proportion to, a match for; त्वं सहस्राणि प्रति Ṛv.2.1.8; (d) near, in the vicinity of, by, at, in, on; समासेदुस्ततो गङ्गां शृङ्गवेरपुरं प्रति Rām.; गङ्गां प्रति; (e) at the time, about, during; आदित्यस्योदयं प्रति Mb; फाल्गुनं वाथ चैत्रं वा मासौ प्रति Ms.7.182; (f) on the side of, in favour of, to the lot of; यदत्र मां प्रति स्यात् Sk.; हरं प्रति हलाहलं (अभवत्) Vop.; (g) in each, in or at every, severally (used in a distributive sense); वर्षं प्रति, प्रतिवर्षम्; यज्ञं प्रति Y.1.11; वृक्षं वृक्षं प्रति सिञ्चति Sk.; (h) with regard or reference to, in relation to, regarding, concerning, about, as to; न हि मे संशीतिरस्या दिव्यतां प्रति K.132; चन्द्रोपरागं प्रति तु केनापि विप्रलब्धासि Mu.1; धर्मं प्रति Ś.5.18; मन्दौत्सुक्यो$स्मि नगरगमनं प्रति Ś.1; Ku.6.27; 7.83; त्वयैकमीशं प्रति साधु भाषितम् 5.81; Y.1.218; R.6. 12;1.29;12.51; (i) according to, in conformity with; मां प्रति in my opinion; (j) before, in the presence of; (k) for, on account of.
    -4 As a separable preposi- tion (with abl.) it means either (a) a representative of, in place of, instead of; प्रद्युम्नः कृष्णात् प्रति Sk.; संग्रामे यो नारायणतः प्रति Bk.8.89; or (b) in exchange or return for; तिलेभ्यः प्रति यच्छति माषान् Sk.; भक्तेः प्रत्यमृतं शंभोः Vop.
    -5 As the first member of Avyayībhāva compound it usually means (a) in or at every; as प्रतिसंवत्सरम् 'every year', प्रतिक्षणम्, प्रत्यहम् &c.; (b) towards, in the direction of; प्रत्यग्नि शलभा डयन्ते.
    -6 प्रति is sometimes used as the last member of Avyayī. comp. in the sense of 'a little'; सूपप्रति, शाकप्रति. [ Note:-- In the com- pounds given below all words the second members of which are words not immediately connected with verbs, are included; other words will be found in their proper places.]
    -Comp. -अंशम् ind. on the shoulders.
    -अक्षरम् ind. in every syllable or letter; प्रत्यक्षरश्लेषमयप्रबन्ध Vās.
    -अग्नि ind. towards the fire.
    -अग्र = प्रत्यग्र q. v.
    -अङ्गम् 1 a secondary or minor limb (of the body), as the nose.
    -2 a division, chapter, section.
    -3 every limb.
    -4 a weapon. (
    -ङ्गम्) ind.
    1 on or at every limb of the body; as in प्रत्यङ्ग- मालिङ्गितः Gīt.1.
    -2 for every subdivision.
    -3 in each case (in grammar).
    -अधिदेवता a tutelary deity who stays in front or near one; Hch.
    -अधिष्ठानम्, -आधानम् the principal place of residence; Bṛi. Up.2.2.1.
    -2 repository.
    -अनन्तर a.
    1 being in immediate neigh- bourhood; दानमानादिसत्कारैः कुरुष्व प्रत्यनन्तरम् Rām.4.15.27. (com. प्रत्यनन्तरं स्वाधीनम्).
    -2 standing nearest (as an heir).
    -3 immediately following, closely connected with; जीवेत् क्षत्रियधर्मेण स ह्यस्य (ब्राह्मणस्य) प्रत्यनन्तरः; Ms.1. 82;8.185. (
    -रम्) ind.
    1 immediately after.
    -2 next in succession.
    -रीभू to betake oneself close to; P. R.
    -अनिलम् ind. towards or against the wind.
    -अनीक a
    1 hostile, opposed, inimical.
    -2 resisting, opposing.
    -3 opposite.
    -4 equal, vying with. (
    -कः) an enemy.
    (-कम्) 1 hostility, enmity, hostile attitude or position; न शक्ताः प्रत्यनीकेषु स्थातुं मम सुरासुराः Rām.
    -2 a hostile army; यस्य शूरा महेष्वासाः प्रत्यनीकगता रणे Mb.; ये$वस्थिताः प्रत्यनीकेषु योधाः Bg.11.32. (प्र˚ may have here sense 1 also).
    -3 (in Rhet.) a figure of speech in which one tries to injure a person or thing connected with an enemy who himself cannot be injured; प्रतिपक्षमशक्तेन प्रतिकर्तुं तिरस्क्रिया । या तदीयस्य तत्स्तुत्यै प्रत्यनीकं तदुच्यते K. P.1.
    -अनुप्रासः a kind of alliteration.
    -अनुमानम् an opposite conclusion.
    -अन्त a. contiguous, lying close to, adjacent, bordering.
    (-न्तः) 1 a border, frontier; स गुप्तमूलप्रत्यन्तः R.4.26.
    -2 a bordering country; especi- ally, a country occupied by barbarian or Mlechchhas. ˚देशः a bordering country. ˚पर्वतः an adjacent hill; पादाः प्रत्यन्तपर्वताः Ak.
    -अन्धकार a. spreading shadow; Buddh.
    -अपकारः retaliation, injury in return; शाम्येत् प्रत्यप- कारेण नोपकारेण दुर्जनः Ku.2.4.
    -अब्दम् ind. every year
    -अमित्र a. hostile. (
    -त्रः) an enemy. (
    -त्रम्) ind. towards as enemy.
    -अरिः 1 a well-matched opponent.
    -2 the 9th, 14th or 23rd asterism from the जन्मनक्षत्र.
    -3 a particular asterism; दारुणेषु च सर्वेषु प्रत्यरिं च विवर्जयेत् Mb.13.14.28 (com. प्रत्यरिं स्वनक्षत्राद् दिननक्षत्रं यावद् गणयित्वा नवभिर्भागे हृते पञ्चमी तारा प्रत्यरिः ।).
    -अर्कः a mock sun; parhelion.
    -अर्गलम् the rope by which a churning stick is moved.
    -अवयवम् ind.
    1 in every limb.
    -2 in every particular, in detail.
    1 lower, less honoured; पुरावरान् प्रत्यवरान् गरीयसः Mb.13.94.12.
    -2 very low or degrading, very insignificant; Ms.1.19.
    -अश्मन् m. red chalk.
    -अष्ठीला a kind of nervous disease.
    -अहम् ind. every day, daily; day by day; गिरिशमुपचचार प्रत्यहं सा सुकेशी Ku.1.6.
    -आकारः a scabbard, sheath.
    -आघातः 1 a counter-stroke.
    -2 reaction.
    -आचारः suitable conduct or behaviour.
    -आत्मम् ind. singly, severally.
    -आत्मक a. belonging to oneself.
    -आत्म्यम् similarity with oneself.
    -आत्मेन ind. after one's own image; स किंनरान् कुंपुरुषान् प्रत्यात्म्येना- सृजत् प्रभुः Bhāg.3.2.45.
    -आदित्यः a mock sun.
    -आरम्भः 1 recommencement, second beginning.
    -2 pro- hibition.
    -आर्द्र a. fresh.
    -आशा 1 hope, expectation; न यत्र प्रत्याशामनुपतति नो वा रहयति Māl.9.8.
    -2 trust, con- fidence.
    -आसङ्गः Connection, contact; अथ प्रत्यासङ्गः कमपि महिमानं वितरति Mv.1.12.
    -आस्वर 1 returning.
    -2 reflecting; Ch.Up.1.3.2.
    -आह्वयः echo, resonance; छाया प्रत्याह्वयाभासा ह्यसन्तो$प्यर्थकारिणः Bhāg.11.28.5.
    -उत्तरम् a reply, rejoinder.
    -उलूकः 1 a crow; मृत्युदूतः कपोतो$यमुलूकः कम्पयन्मनः । प्रत्युलूकश्च कुह्वानैरनिद्रौ शून्यमिच्छतः ॥ Bhāg.1.14.14.
    -2 a bird resembling an owl.
    -ऋचम् ind. in each Rik.
    -एक a. each, each one, every single one. (
    -कम्) ind.
    1 one at a time, severally; singly, in every one, to every one; oft. with the force of an adjective; विवेश दण्डकारण्यं प्रत्येकं च सतां मनः R.12.9. 'entered the mind of every good man'; 12.3;7.34; Ku.2.31.
    -एनस् m.
    1 an officer of justice (who punishes criminals); Bṛi. Up.4.3.7.
    -2 a heir responsible for the debts of the deceased; surety.
    -कञ्चुकः 1 an adversary.
    -2 a critic.
    -कण्ठम् ind.
    1 severally, one by one.
    -2 near the throat.
    -कलम् ind. constantly, perpetually.
    -कश a. not obeying the whip.
    -कष्ट a. comparatively bad.
    -कामिनी a female rival; Śi.
    -कायः 1 an effigy, image, picture, likeness.
    -2 an adversary; स वृषध्वजसायकावभिन्नं जयहेतुः प्रतिकाय- मेषणीयम् Ki.13.28.
    -3 a target, butt, mark.
    -कितवः an opponent in a game.
    -कुञ्जरः a hostile elephant.
    -कूपः a moat, ditch.
    -कूल a.
    1 unfavourable, adverse, contrary, hostile, opposite, प्रतिकूलतामुपगते हि विधौ विफलत्व- मेति बहुसाधनता Śi.9.6; Ku.3.24.
    -2 harsh, discordant. unpleasant, disagreeable; अप्यन्नपुष्टा प्रतिकूलशब्दा Ku.1. 45.
    -3 inauspicious.
    -4 contradictory.
    -5 reverse, inverted.
    -6 perverse, cross, peevish, stubborn. ˚आचार- णम्, ˚आचरितम् any offensive or hostile action or conduct; प्रतिकूलाचरितं क्षमख मे R.8.81. ˚उक्तम्, -क्तिः f. a contra- diction. ˚कारिन्, -कृत, -चारिन्, -वत्ति a. opposing. ˚दर्शन a. having an inauspicious or ungracious appearance. ˚प्रवर्तिन्, -वर्तिन् a. acting adversely, taking an adverse course. ˚भाषिन् a. opposing, contradicting. ˚वचनम् dis- agreeable or unpleasant speech. ˚वादः contradiction. (प्रतिकूलता, -त्वम् adverseness, opposition, hostility. प्रति- कूलयति 'to oppose'.).
    -कूल ind.
    1 adversely, contrarily.
    -2 inversely, in inverted order.
    -कूलय Den. P. to resist, oppose.
    -कूलिक a. hostile, inimical.
    -क्षणम् ind. at every moment or instant, constantly; प्रतिक्षणं संभ्रमलोलदृष्टि- र्लीलारविन्देन निवारयन्ती Ku.3.56.
    -क्षपम् ind. everynight.
    -गजः a hostile elephant
    -गात्रम् ind. in very limb.
    -गिरिः 1 an opposite mountain.
    -2 an inferior mountain.
    -गृहम्, -गेहम् ind. in every house.
    -ग्रामम् ind. in every village.
    -चक्रम् a hostile army.
    -चन्द्रः a mock moon; paraselene.
    -चरणम् ind.
    1 in every (Vedic) school or branch.
    -2 at every foot-step.
    -छाया, -यिका 1 a reflected image, reflection, shadow; रूपं प्रतिच्छायिक- योपनीतम् N.6.45.
    -2 an image, picture.
    -जङ्घा the forepart of the leg.
    -जिह्वा, -जिह्विका the soft palate,
    -तन्त्रम् ind. according to each Tantra or opinion.
    -तन्त्र- सिद्धान्तः a conclusion adopted by one of the disputants only; (वादिप्रतिवाद्येकतरमात्राभ्युपगतः).
    -त्र्यहम् ind. for three days at a time.
    -दण्ड a. Ved. disobedient.
    -दिनम् ind. every day; राशीभूतः प्रतिदिनमिव त्र्यम्बकस्याट्टहासः Me.6.
    -दिशम् ind. in every direction, all round, every- where.
    -दूतः a messenger sent in return.
    -देवता a corresponding deity; गताः कलाः पञ्चदश प्रतिष्ठा देवाश्च सर्वे प्रतिदेवतासु Muṇḍa.3.2.7.
    -देशम् ind. in every country.
    -देहम् ind. in every body.
    -दैवतम् ind. for every deity.
    -द्वन्द्वः 1 an antagonist, opponent, adversary, rival.
    -2 an enemy. (
    -द्वम्) opposition, hostility.
    -द्वन्द्विन् a.
    1 hostile, inimical.
    -2 adverse (प्रतिकूल); कृतान्तदुर्वृत्त इवापरेषां पुरः प्रतिद्वन्द्विनि पाण्डवास्त्रे Ki.16.29.
    -3 rivalling, vying with; किसलयोद्भेदप्रतिद्वन्दिभिः (करतलैः) Ś.4.5. (-m.) an opponent, adversary, rival; तुल्यप्रति- द्वन्द्वि बभूव युद्धम् R.7.37.;15.25.
    -द्वारम् ind. at every gate.
    -धुरः a horse harnessed by the side of another.
    -नप्तृ m. great-grandson, a son's grandson.
    -नव a.
    1 new, young, fresh.
    -2 newly blown budded; सान्ध्यं तेजः प्रतिनवजपापुष्परक्तं दधानः Me.38.
    -नाडी a branch-vein.
    -नायकः the adversary of the hero of any poetic com- position; धीरोद्धतः पापकारी व्यसनी प्रतिनायकः S. D., as रावण in the Rāmāyaṇa, शिशुपाल in Māgha-Kāvya &c.
    -नारी, -पत्नी, -युवतिः a female rival; Śi.7.45.
    -निनादः = प्रतिध्वनिः q. v.
    -न्यायम् ind. in inverted order; पुनः प्रतिन्यायं प्रतियोन्याद्रवति स्वप्नायैव Bṛi. Up.4.3.15.
    -पक्ष a. like, similar.
    (-क्षः) 1 the opposite side, party or faction, hostility; विमृश्य पक्षप्रतिपक्षाभ्यामवधारणं नियमः Gaut. S,
    -2 an adversary, enemy, foe, rival; प्रति- पक्षकामिनी, -लक्ष्मी 'a rival wife'; Bv.2.64; दासीकृतायाः प्रति- पक्षलक्ष्याः Vikr.1.73; प्रतिपक्षमशक्तेन प्रतिकर्तुम् K. P.1; Vikr.1.7; often used in comp. in the sense of 'equal' or 'similar'.
    -3 remedy, expiation; यादवस्य पापस्य प्रतिपक्षमुपदिशामि Nāg.5.
    -4 a defendant or respondent (in law). ˚ता
    1 hostility, opposition.
    -2 obstacle.
    -पक्षित a.
    1 containing a contradiction.
    -2 nullified by a contradictory premise; (as a hetu in न्याय); cf. सत्प्रतिपक्ष.
    -पक्षिन् m. an opponent, adversary.
    -पण्यम् merchandise in exchange; Buddh.
    -प्रथम् ind. along the road, towards the way; प्रतिपथगतिरासीद् वेगदीर्घीकृताङ्गः Ku.3.76.
    -पदम् ind.
    1 at evry stop.
    -2 at every place, everywhere.
    -3 expressly.
    -4 in every word; प्रतिपदाख्याने तु गौरवं परिहरद्भिर्वृत्तिकारैः सर्वसामान्यः शब्दः प्रति- गृहीतः प्रकृतिवदिति ŚB. on MS.8.1.2.
    -पल्लवः an opposite or outstretched branch; R.
    -पाणः 1 a stake.
    -2 a counter-pledge.
    -3 a counter-stake; Mb.3.
    -पादम् ind. in each quarter.
    -पात्रम् ind. with regard to each part, of each character; प्रतिपात्रमाधीयतां यत्नः Ś.1 'let care be taken of each character'.
    -पादपम् ind. in every tree.
    -पाप a. returning sin for sin, requiting evil for evil.
    -पु(पू)रुषः 1 a like or similar man.
    -2 a substitute, deputy.
    -3 a companion.
    -4 the effigy of a man pushed by thieves into the interior of a house before entering it themselves (to ascertain if any body is awake).
    -5 an effigy in general. (
    -षम्) ind. man by man, for each man.
    -पुस्तकम् a copy of an original manuscript.
    -पूर्वाह्णम् ind. every forenoon.
    -प्रति a. counter-balancing, equal to.
    -प्रभातम् ind. every morning.
    -प्रसवः 1 (As opposed to अनुप्रसव) tracing causes back to the origin as -- a pot, a lump of mud, mud, clay, Pātañjala Yogadarśana.
    -2 Negation of (or exception to) a negation. The force of a प्रतिप्रसव is positive, limiting as it does the scope of a प्रतिषेध or negation. Hence it is just the opposite of परिसंख्या whose force is negative or exclusive since it limits the scope of a positive statement. प्रतिप्रसवो$यं न परिसंख्या ŚB. on MS.1.7.45.
    -प्रकारः an outer wall or rampart.
    -प्रियम् a kindness or service in return; प्रतिप्रियं चेद् भवतो न कुर्यां वृथा हि मे स्यात् स्वपदोपलब्धिः R.5.56.
    -बन्धुः an equal in rank or station; Mb.5.121.13.
    -बलः a.
    1 able, powerful.
    -2 equal in strength, equally matched or powerful.
    (-लम्) 1 a hostile army; अस्त्रज्वालावलीढप्रतिबलजलधेरन्तरौर्वायमाणे Ve.3.7.
    -2 strength.
    -बाहु 1 the forepart of the arm.
    -2 an opposite side (in a square or polygon).
    -बि (वि) म्बः, -म्बम् 1 a reflection, reflected image; ज्योतिषां प्रतिबिम्बानि प्राप्नु- वन्त्युपहारताम् Ku.6.42; Śi.9.18.
    -2 an image, a picture.
    -बीजम् a rotten seed.
    -भट a. vying with, rivalling; घटप्रतिभटस्तनि N.13.5.
    (-टः) 1 a rival, an opponent; निवासः कन्दर्पप्रतिभटजटाजूटभवने G. L.21.
    -2 a warrior on the opposite side; समालोक्याजौ त्वां विदधति विकल्पान् प्रतिभटाः K. P.1.
    -भय a.
    1 fearful, formidable, terrible, frightful.
    -2 dangerous; स्वगृहोद्यानगते$पि स्निग्धैः पापं विशङ्क्यते मोहात् । किमु दृष्टबह्वपायप्रतिभयकान्तारमध्यस्थे ॥ Pt.2.171; Nāg.5.1.; Bhāg.1.6.14. (
    -यम्) a danger; सुनन्द, श्रुतं मया संनिहितगरुडप्रतिभयमुद्देशं जामाता जीमूतवाहनो गतः Nāg.5.
    -भैरव a. dreadful.
    -मञ्चः a kind of measure (in music.)
    -मञ्चाः Platforms opposite to each other; दशभागिकौ द्वौ प्रतिमञ्चौ Kau. A.2.3.21.
    -मण्डलम् 1 a secondary disc (of the sun &c.).
    -2 an eccentric orbit.
    -मन्दिरम् ind. in every house.
    -मल्लः an antagonist, a rival; उपेयिवांसं प्रतिमल्लतां रयस्मये जितस्य प्रसभं गरुत्मतः N.1.63; पातालप्रतिमल्लगल्ल &c. Māl.5.22.
    -मानना worship (पूजा); स्पर्शमशुचिवपुरर्हति न प्रतिमाननां तु नितरां नृपोचिताम् Śi.15.35.
    -माया a counter-spell or charm; प्रतिमाया कृतं च तत् Mb.1.34.22.
    -मार्गः the way back; Mb.4.
    -मार्गम् ind. back, back- wards.
    -माला capping verses (Mar. भंडी).
    -मासम् ind. every month, monthly.
    -मित्रम् an enemy, adversary.
    -मुख a. standing before the face, facing; प्रतिमुखागत Ms.8.291.
    -2 near, present. (
    -खम्) a secondary plot or incident in a drama which tends either to hasten or retard the catastrophe; see S. D.334 and 351-364. (
    -खम्) ind.
    1 towards.
    -2 in front, before.
    -मुखरी a particular mode of drumming.
    -मुद्रा 1 a counter- seal.
    -2 the impression of a seal.
    -मुहूर्तम् ind. every moment.
    -मूर्तिः f. an image, a likeness.
    -मूषिका f. a musk-rat (Mar. चिचुंदरी).
    -यूथपः the leader of a hostile herd of elephants.
    -रथः an adversary in war (lit. in fighting in a war-chariot); दौष्यन्तिमप्रतिरथं तनयं निवेश्य Ś.4.2.
    -रथ्यम् in every road; अस्मिन् नगरे प्रतिरथ्यं भुजङ्गबद्धसंचारे Udb.
    -रवः, -ध्वनिः 1 an echo; प्रतिरवविततो वनानि चक्रे Ki.1.4.
    -2 quarrel; controversy.
    -3 (Ved.) life (प्राण).
    -रसितम् an echo; केनास्मत् सिंह- नादप्रतिरसितसखो दुन्दुभिस्ताड्यते$यम् Ve.1.22.
    -राजः a hostile king.
    -रात्रम् ind. every night.
    -रूप a.
    1 corresponding, similar, having a counter-part in; अग्निर्यथैको भुवनं प्रविष्टो रूपं रूपं प्रतिरूपो बभूव Kaṭh.2.2.9.
    -2 beautiful.
    -3 suitable, proper; इदं न प्रतिरूपं ते स्त्रीष्वदाक्षिण्यमीदृशम् Bu. Ch.4.66; आत्मनः प्रतिरूपं सा बभाषे चारुहासिनी Rām.4. 19.17.
    -4 facing (अभिमुख); प्रतिरूपं जनं कुर्यान्न चेत् तद् वर्तते यथा Mb.12.97.16 (com. प्रतिरूपं युद्धाभिमुखम्).
    (-पम्) 1 a picture, an image, a likeness.
    -2 a mirror-like reflecting object; अदर्शनं स्वशिरसः प्रतिरूपे च सत्यपि Bhāg. 1.42.28.
    -4 an object of comparison (उपमान); भवान्मे खलु भक्तानां सर्वेषां प्रतिरूपधृक् Bhāg.7.1.21.
    -रूपक a. resembling, similar (at the end of comp.); जहीमान् राक्षसान् पापानात्मनः प्रतिरूपकान् Mb.3.29.11; चेष्टाप्रतिरूपिका मनोवृत्तिः Ś.1.
    (-कम्) 1 a picture, an image; अग्निदैर्गर- दैश्चैव प्रतिरूपककारकैः Mb.12.59.49.
    -2 a forged edict; जर्जरं चास्य विषयं कुर्वन्ति प्रतिरूपकैः Mb.12.56.52.
    -3 a reflec- tion.
    -लक्षणम् a mark, sign, token.
    -लिपिः f. a tran- script, a written copy.
    -लेखः a writ of reply; प्रावृत्तिकश्च प्रतिलेख एव Kau. A.2.1.28.
    -लोम a.
    1 'against the hair or grain', contray to the natural order, inverted, reverse (opp. अनुलोम); नववर्षसहस्राक्षः प्रतिलोमो$भवद् गुरुः Bhāg.12.14.15.
    -2 contrary to caste (said of the issue of a woman who is of a higher caste than her husband).
    -3 hostile.
    -4 low, vile, base.
    -5 left (वाम).
    -6 obstinate, perverse; अपरिचितस्यापि ते$प्रतिलोमः संवृत्तः Ś.7.
    -7 disagreeable, unpleasant. (
    -मम्) any injurious or unpleasant act. (
    -मम्) ind. 'against the hair or grain', inversely, invertedly. ˚ज a. born in the inverse order of the castes; i. e. born of a mother who is of a higher caste than the father; cf. Ms.1.16,25.
    -लोमक a. reverse, inverted; राजन्यविप्रयोः कस्माद् विवाहः प्रतिलोमकः Bhāg.9.18.5.
    -कम् inverted order.
    -लोमतः ind.
    1 in consequence of the inverted order or course; Ms.1.68.
    -2 in an unfriendly manner; यदा बहुविधां वृद्धिं मन्येत प्रतिलोमतः Mb.12.13.39.
    -वत्सरम् ind. every year.
    -वनम् ind. in every forest.
    -वर्णिक a. similar, corresponding.
    -वर्धिन् a. being a match for.
    -वर्षम् ind. every year.
    -वस्तु n.
    1 an equivalent, a counter- part.
    -2 anything given in return.
    -3 a parallel. ˚उपमा a figure of speech thus defined by Mammaṭa:-- प्रतिवस्तूपमा तु सा ॥ सामान्यस्य द्विरेकस्य यत्र वाक्यद्वये स्थितिः । K. P.1; e. g. तापेन भ्राजते सूर्यः शूरश्चापेन राजते Chandr.5. 48.
    -वातः a contrary wind; प्रतिवाते$नुवाते च नासीत गुरुणा सह Ms.2.23. (
    -तम्) ind. against the wind; चीनांशुक- मिव केतोः प्रतिवातं नीयमानस्य Ś.1.33.
    -वारणः a hostile elephant.
    -वासरम् ind. every day.
    -विटपम् ind.
    1 on every branch.
    -2 branch by branch.
    -विषम् an anti- dote. (
    -षा) a birch tree.
    -विष्णुकः a Muchakunda tree.
    -वीरः an opponent, antagonist.
    -वीर्यम् being equal to or a match for.
    -वृषः a hostile bull.
    -वेलम् ind. at each time, on every occasion.
    -वेशः 1 a neighbouring house, neighbourhood.
    -2 a neighbour.
    -वेशिन् a. a neigh- bour; दृष्ट्वा प्रभातसमये प्रतिवेशिवर्गः Mk.3.14.
    -वेश्मन् n. a neighbour's house.
    -वेश्यः a neighbour.
    -वैरम् re- quital of hostilities revenge.
    -शब्दः 1 echo, reverbera- tion; वसुधाधरकन्दराभिसर्पी प्रतिशब्दो$पि हरेर्भिनत्ति नागान् V. 1.16; Ku.6.64; R.2.28.
    -2 a roar.
    -शशिन् m. a mock-moon.
    -शाखम् ind. for every branch or school (of the Veda).
    -शाखा a side-branch; महाभूतविशेषश्च विशेषप्रतिशाखवान् Mb.14.35.21.
    -संवत्सरम् ind. every year.
    -सङ्गक्षिका 1 a cloak to keep off the dust; Buddh.
    -संदेशः a reply to the message; दर्पसारस्य प्रति- संदेशमावेदयत् D. K.2.1.
    -सम a. equal to, a match for.
    -सव्य a. in an inverted order.
    -सामन्तः an enemy.
    -सायम् ind. every evening.
    -सूर्यः, -सूर्यकः 1 a mock-sun.
    -2 a lizard, chameleon; 'कृकलासस्तु सरटः प्रतिसूर्यः शयानकः ।' Hemchandra; तृष्यद्भिः प्रतिसूर्यकैरजगरस्वेदद्रवः पीयते U.2.16.
    -सेना, सैन्यम् a hostile army; निहतां प्रतिसैन्येन वडवामिव पातिताम् Rām.2.114.17.
    -स्थानम् ind. in every place, everywhere.
    -स्मृतिः N. of parti- cular kind of magic; गृहाणेमां मया प्रोक्तां सिद्धिं मूर्तिमतीमिव । विद्यां प्रतिस्मृतिं नाम Mb.3.36.3.
    -स्रोतस् ind. against the stream; सरस्वतीं प्रतिस्रोतं ययौ ब्राह्मणसंवृतः Bhāg.1.78. 18. -a. going against the stream; अथासाद्य तु कालिन्दी प्रतिस्रोतः समागताम् Rām.2.55.5.
    -हस्तः, -हस्तकः a deputy, an agent, substitute, proxy; आश्रितानां भृतौ स्वामिसेवायां धर्मसेवने । पुत्रस्योत्पादने चैव न सन्ति प्रतिहस्तकाः ॥ H.2.33.
    -हस्तीकृ to take; Pratijñā 3.
    -हस्तिन् the keeper of a brothel; Dk.2.2.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > प्रति _prati

  • 7 seguire

    1. v/t follow
    corso take
    2. v/i follow ( a qualcosa something)
    come segue as follows
    * * *
    seguire v.tr.
    1 to follow (anche fig.): il cane segue il padrone, the dog follows his master; il tuono segue il lampo, thunder follows lightning; lo seguì con lo sguardo sino al fiume, his eyes followed him to the river; la crisi che seguì la guerra, the crisis which followed the war; non riesco a seguire quello che dici, I cannot follow what you are saying; seguì la professione del padre, he followed his father's profession; seguire l'esempio di qlcu., to follow the example of s.o. // seguire la corrente, to go downstream; (fig.) to go with the stream // seguire le orme, le tracce, ( di un animale) to trace (o to trail); seguire le orme di qlcu., (fig.) to follow in s.o.'s footsteps // seguire una pista, (fig.) to follow up a clue // seguire un processo sul giornale, to follow a case in the newspaper; la stampa segue con attenzione l'evolversi degli incontri, the press is following the development of the meetings with close attention
    2 ( pedinare) to follow, to shadow: l'agente seguì il ladro, the policeman shadowed the thief; seguire qlcu. fino a casa, to follow s.o. home; lo seguì di nascosto, he followed him secretly (o he shadowed him)
    3 ( procedere per) to follow, to proceed along (sthg.), to go* (on): se segui questa via arriverai in dieci minuti, if you follow (o keep to) this road you'll arrive in ten minutes; segui la tua via e non dare ascolto a nessuno, (fig.) go your own way and don't listen to anybody; lascio che le cose seguano il loro corso, I let things run their course
    4 ( sorvegliare, sovrintendere) to supervise, to oversee*; to look after: vi erano sempre parecchi ingegneri a seguire il lavoro degli operai, there were always several engineers to supervise (o to oversee) the workmen's work; preferisco stare a casa a seguire i miei figli, I'd rather stay at home and look after my children
    5 ( assistere a, partecipare a) to follow; ( frequentare regolarmente) to attend (regularly): seguire un film con grande attenzione, to follow a film attentively; seguire un corso di tedesco, to follow a course of German; seguo i concerti alla 'Scala', I attend the concerts at 'La Scala'
    6 ( attenersi a, eseguire) to follow; to conform to (sthg.): segui le istruzioni, follow the instructions; seguire il consiglio di qlcu., to follow (o to take) s.o.'s advice; seguire un metodo di lavoro, to follow a working method // seguire la moda, to follow the fashion
    v. intr.
    1 to follow: scrivi quanto segue, write down what follows; seguì un periodo di benessere, a period of wellbeing followed; seguì una violenta litigata, a violent quarrel followed; la nostra squadra è prima, seguono le altre a pari merito, our team is first, the rest tie for second place // segue lettera, letter will follow
    2 ( continuare) to follow, to continue: segue al prossimo numero, alla prossima puntata, to be continued in our next issue, in the next episode; segue a pag. 5, continued on page 5; segue a tergo, please turn over (abbr. PTO)
    3 ( risultare) to follow, to result: da quanto dici, segue che è colpa sua, from what you say it follows that it is his fault
    4 ( accadere) to happen, to occur: mi domando che cosa seguirà, I wonder what will happen.
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (gen) to follow

    mi segua, la prego — this way o follow me, please

    segui la statale per 15 kmfollow o keep to the main road for 15 km

    seguire i consigli di qnto follow o take sb's advice

    seguire gli avvenimenti di attualitàto follow o keep up with current events

    2) (capire: persona, argomento) to follow

    scusa, non ti seguo — I'm sorry, I don't follow (you) o I'm not with you

    3) (corso, lezione: gen) to follow, take, (essere presente a) to attend, go to

    seguire un corso per corrispondenzato follow o take a correspondence course

    2. vi (aus essere)
    1) (venir dopo), (fig : derivare) to follow
    2) (continuare) to continue

    "segue" — "to be continued"

    * * *
    [se'gwire] 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) (andare dietro a) to follow [persona, auto]; (accompagnare) to accompany; (tallonare) to go* after, to follow

    seguire qcn. in giardino — to follow sb. into the garden

    seguire qcn. da vicino, da lontano — to follow sb. close behind, from a distance

    la segue come un cagnolino — he is her lapdog, he is always at her heels

    seguire qcn. con lo sguardo — to follow sb. with one's eyes, to stare after sb.

    seguire le orme di qcn. — fig. to follow in sb.'s footsteps o wake

    2) (venire dopo) to come* after, to follow
    3) (andare in direzione di) to follow [freccia, itinerario, rotta, pista, fiume]; to keep* to, to follow [strada, sentiero]; [nave, strada] to follow, to hug [ costa]; [ strada] to run* alongisde [ferrovia, fiume]

    indicare a qcn. la strada da seguire — to give sb. directions

    4) (attenersi a) to follow [esempio, regolamento, istinto, cuore, ricetta]; to act on, to follow (up), to take* [ consiglio]; to keep* up with, to follow [ moda]; to go* on [ dieta]
    5) (osservare) to follow, to watch [film, processo, partita]; (occuparsi di) to follow up, to monitor [allievo, malato]; (prestare attenzione a) to follow [ lezione]

    essere seguito, farsi seguire da uno specialista — med. to be treated by a specialist

    6) (interessarsi di) to follow [politica, sport, cinema, teatro]; to keep* up with [sviluppi, notizie]; to watch [ progressi]; (tifare per) to follow [ squadra]
    7) (frequentare) to be* on, to attend [ corso]
    8) (comprendere) to follow [spiegazione, ragionamento]

    la seguo o la sto seguendo I'm with you, I follow; mi segui? do you follow me? non ti seguo più — you've lost me there

    verbo intransitivo (aus. essere) to follow

    segue a pagina 10, nel prossimo numero — continued on page 10, in the next issue

    * * *
    /se'gwire/ [3]
     1 (andare dietro a) to follow [persona, auto]; (accompagnare) to accompany; (tallonare) to go* after, to follow; seguire qcn. in giardino to follow sb. into the garden; seguire qcn. da vicino, da lontano to follow sb. close behind, from a distance; la segue come un cagnolino he is her lapdog, he is always at her heels; seguire qcn. con lo sguardo to follow sb. with one's eyes, to stare after sb.; seguire le tracce di un cervo to spoor a deer; seguire le orme di qcn. fig. to follow in sb.'s footsteps o wake
     2 (venire dopo) to come* after, to follow; il verbo segue il soggetto the verb comes after the subject; la repressione che seguì l'insurrezione the clampdown that followed the insurrection
     3 (andare in direzione di) to follow [freccia, itinerario, rotta, pista, fiume]; to keep* to, to follow [strada, sentiero]; [nave, strada] to follow, to hug [ costa]; [ strada] to run* alongisde [ferrovia, fiume]; indicare a qcn. la strada da seguire to give sb. directions
     4 (attenersi a) to follow [esempio, regolamento, istinto, cuore, ricetta]; to act on, to follow (up), to take* [ consiglio]; to keep* up with, to follow [ moda]; to go* on [ dieta]; seguire le istruzioni alla lettera to follow instructions to the letter; seguire una cura to follow a course of treatment
     5 (osservare) to follow, to watch [film, processo, partita]; (occuparsi di) to follow up, to monitor [allievo, malato]; (prestare attenzione a) to follow [ lezione]; essere seguito, farsi seguire da uno specialista med. to be treated by a specialist; Luca non segue mai in classe Luca never pays attention in class
     6 (interessarsi di) to follow [politica, sport, cinema, teatro]; to keep* up with [sviluppi, notizie]; to watch [ progressi]; (tifare per) to follow [ squadra]
     7 (frequentare) to be* on, to attend [ corso]
     8 (comprendere) to follow [spiegazione, ragionamento]; la seguo o la sto seguendo I'm with you, I follow; mi segui? do you follow me? non ti seguo più you've lost me there
     (aus. essere) to follow; seguì un lungo silenzio there followed a long silence; a seguire ci sarà del gelato there's ice cream to follow; al dibattito seguì una votazione a vote followed the debate; segue a pagina 10, nel prossimo numero continued on page 10, in the next issue.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > seguire

См. также в других словарях:

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